Stainless Steel Pipe&Tube Classification

Main Products Application Areas Representative Grades
Boiler Tubes Used for boilers, high-pressure steam pipes, power station superheaters and reheaters. 740H, 617B
S31042, S30432
TP347H-FG, TP347H
Furnace Tubes Used in hydrogen reduction chemical industry or high-temperature equipment; applications include anti-high temperature corrosion resistance (such as nitriding corrosion in ammonia synthesis) and carburizing comprehensive alloys. N08825, N08800
TP310S, S30815
TP347, TP321
Oil and Gas Well Tubes OCTG (Oil Field Applications)
Used in oil and gas fields for production, transportation, storage and processing; resistant to high-temperature and high-pressure corrosive media (CO2, H2S, Cl-).
N08028, N06985, N06625
Super 13Cr, TP13Cr
S32750, S32205, S31803
Applications for completing oil and gas wells
Including: gathering, storage, liquid lifting and transportation.
N08904, S31254
S32205, S31803
TP316MO, TP316L, TP304L
Heat Exchanger Tubes Used in marine engineering, (petrochemical) chemical and pharmaceutical industries, and food processing industries. N08800, N06625
S44400, S43600
TP310S, TP316, TP321
Drill Ship Tubes Used for chemical, oil and gas well platforms. S32205, S31803
TP316, TP321
Military, Electronics, Nuclear Industries Used in military, electronics industries, nuclear power L.T.C.U. materials, and various valves, pumps, large-diameter pipelines, etc. N08800, N06625
TP316LN, TP316L
General Purpose Tubes General applications (liquid, gas, powder) transport pipelines. TP316, TP321, TP304